The she-wolf came to the village to ask for food, and the forester took pity on her: two months later she did not come to him alone


That was very cold, one day the forester Stephen was sitting at his house and drinking tea, when he suddenly heard some noise which was under his fence, the sounds of some kind of beast were heard.

Stephen went out of the house to see what was happening there and what that sound was.

The man thought for a moment, but in the end brought her frozen meat. He knew that it was too cold for her and it was very difficult to find food for herself and for the kids.

The behavior of the wild beast was rather unusual. Wolves live on their territory and they mostly do not go out, and if this happens, it is quite rare, due to severe hunger.

After that, the she-wolf began to come to him more often, and the locals began to scold Stephen for this. They did not want to see a wolf in their village, everyone was afraid and did not allow children to leave the house because of this.

But Stephen decided to ignor their gossip and continue to feed the wild she-wolf. He understood that if they were hungry they become even more dangerous for all the inhabitants.

After a while, when the winter passed, the visits of the she-wolf stopped. Everyone was happy and content, but Stephen realized that he was already used to her visits and missed her.

Only in the spring did he again hear such a familiar howl. He immediately rushed out of the house and saw something he did not expect.

The she-wolf brought with her her two youngest children, the wolf cubs. All the animals silently looked at Stephen.

The man thought about it and he understood that the she-wolf had actually been feeding her cubs all this time with the meat that he had been giving her all winter.

And now the whole pack of wolves moved to another place to live differently and not frighten them. The wolf said goodbye to Stephen and after this incident no one else saw the wolves in the area.

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