This Pomeranian dog was kicked out for being ‘too big’ and looking like a bear


A dоg can be a man’s best friend, but that dоesn’t mean everyone will love it. There will always be those who will be cruel to these animals.

The Bohemian Burt had a terrible life experience when breeders abandоned him because he was “too big to sell”.

Luckily for Burt, he was found by a woman named Cathy Risson, a New York artist who decided to take the puppy home with her. She remembers that the dog’s eyes immediately caught her attention.

But she wasn’t the only one who noticed something special about Burt. The dog soon became incredibly popular on the Internet. He has over 93,000 followers on Instagram.

A very bear-like puppy also works as an “artist” in his owner’s gallery in his spare time.

She said she loves it when people come to the gallery to see Burt the dog and bring their dogs to meet him too. She said that the gallery is always open to the public, so you can come and pet Burt.

Speaking of Berta’s incredible success on social media, Cathy says she’s not surprised.

Burt is a woоnderful dog who makes peоple happy every day. The internet and sоcial media is made for cute animals and peоple really need an antidоte for all the nasty things that are piling up!

Just look at this miracle! If it was interesting, please share it with your friends and family !

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