The little lynx asked for help from a man, and he could not leave the hungry cub alone


Matthew Petrie from Quebec is very fond of mountain biking in the surrounding hills. These places have long been formally civilized, but in fact, wildlife is adjacent to human objects.

Therefore, when on his next trip he saw a big cat among the foliage, he at first thought that he had run away from home and got lost.

But later he learned that a thorough examination of a foundling puts a person in a difficult position.

The wild cat was with a childish and naive face, the size of a large cat. It had a short tail, piercing ear brushes, large teeth, and huge paw pads.

Even without being a specialist, Matthew immediately recognized a small lynx in a foundling. More precisely, quite a lynx, and therefore cautiously left in the same place where he found the cub.

But the next day he could not stand it and returned to the same place and the lynx was still there, and on the third day too, only now, when the man approached, he began to cry plaintively. And Matthew’s heart failed.

After looking on the Internet, he suggested that the lynx is much lower than the norm for his age, the baby has long been orphaned, did not receive normal nutrition, and it is not clear how he could survive.

Matthew immediately contacted a wildlife rehabilitation center, where he learned how to feed and care for the baby lynx until he was taken away.

Keeping the cute baby and getting a house cat was out of the question. Although he admits that he had such a thought all the time, but not for his own good.

The cat will still be in a rehabilitation center until she regains her strength, after which she will be released into the wild. Who knows, maybe one day he will meet Matthew again, recognize him and thank him for saving him?

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