A Stray Dog Came to a Wedding to Congratulate the Newlyweds


This incident happened in Brazil. This homeless dog did something no one expected. He attended the wedding ceremony of Douglas Robert and Timiris Muzini, after which his life changed.

At first, the dog stood peacefully outside the church, but when the bride got out of the car, he got up and followed her. People wanted to expel the dog, but Mr. Timiris said the dog also had the right to participate in the ceremony․

The people of this country used to see dogs in the church, the dog stayed at the entrance during the wedding. Although the door was opened, the unusual guest stayed at the door until the celebration .

He slept a little, but when the newlyweds came out, he jumped up, ran towards them and started petting them, wagging his tail. The newlyweds smiled and stroked the dog, and the touching moment was caught on video.

The couple wanted to adopt him, but when they came to church the next day he wasn’t there. Soon they found the dog and brought him home with them.

Fortunately, he now lives happily with his new family.

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