Often, an unusual and strong bond can form between animals and people. A striking example of this unusual connection is the friendship of a man named Paul
This squirrel was pregnant and she knew who to turn to for refuge. He had never forgotten the people who had saved him and he knew that his child would
One day, when George was about to fix a pole on a street corner in Denver, he found two baby squirrels on the ground. It is assumed that the poor little
One day, Tia Powell saw a squirrel while walking in a nearby park. But this is not surprising, because these animals are very common. But as he continued
Meet the sweetest squirrel that survived Hurricane in August. She was only seven weeks old when she was found. The squirrel fell to the ground from its nest.
The family was forced to leave the city after a strong storm. But even then, 15-year-old Bailey Villavason was able to find time and save a few small creatures.