The couple spent 70 days caring for baby squirrels that fell out of their nest


One day, when George was about to fix a pole on a street corner in Denver, he found two baby squirrels on the ground. It is assumed that the poor little ones fell out of the nest. If they didn’t, the children would die without their help.

George and his wife took them home and took care of the little babies. They photographed the set, posted their photo on social media and called it a “squirrel project”.

The little squirrel babies were named Fred and Ginger.

It turned out that growing protein is quite difficult. I had to read a lot about how to maintain them and watch dozens of videos on the Internet in order not to make mistakes in this.

The most interesting thing is that their dog Jiggs was not indifferent and called his master whenever the kids cried or tried to crawl away somewhere.

After 30 days, the white-tailed puppies got stronger and began to get used to solid food.

After another 40 days, it was time to send them back to their natural environment.

After 70 days of being together, George and Patty finally took Fred and Ginger to the park and gave them a real home.

Saying goodbye to the squirrels was not easy for the couple. During this time, they managed to fall in love with them and contact them.

It’s like they’ve lost a member of their family. But they knew they were giving the animals the freedom they needed to live fulfilling lives. If it was interesting, please share it with your friends and family !

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