The advent and development of social networks we have witnessed in recent years have made new forms of virtual entertainment particularly popular.
An increasing number of users from various countries around the world are increasingly attracted to so-called “visual tests.”
These are challenges of various kinds that people enjoy taking to test their personal mental abilities.
In today’s article, what we would like to draw your attention to is a fun visual enigma.
It features four distinct female figures, and the goal of the test is to guess which of the women depicted in the illustration is actually pregnant.
Visual tests certainly represent a pleasant pastime with which web users can enjoy their free time.
They serve as a healthy mental distraction capable of relieving some of the daily stress we are all constantly under.
These challenges differ in type and difficulty level.
The wide and varied range of options offered to players ensures the possibility of a thoughtful choice in line with their intellectual abilities.
In particular, tests of a logical-intuitive nature can stimulate and improve the user’s reasoning and concentration processes to solve the challenge at hand.
Returning to the specific visual enigma, as we mentioned, it is characterized by the presence of four distinct women in the illustration.
The challenge aims to guess which of the female figures is pregnant. With no time constraints to adhere to, the user will have all the time needed to reflect and consider every possible answer.
It will be important to concentrate thoroughly, observe carefully, and exclude any sources of external distraction.
With that said, all we have left to do is leave you with the visual riddle and wish you good luck!
So, have you managed to figure out which of the women depicted in the image is actually pregnant?
In case of an affirmative answer, we extend our heartfelt congratulations!
If not, fear not: there will surely be many opportunities in the future to take on other challenges and demonstrate your intuitive skills.
Above, we provide the image with the solution to the visual test.
As you can see for yourself, the pregnant woman is number 4: it is well known that in the early months of pregnancy, a pregnant woman is particularly tired and eager to sleep.