A message for the world from a Syrian student brought up by a dad with Down syndrome


If you’re one of the fortunate ones, you’ll come to understand one day that the unique relationship you share with your folks is unmatched since they were responsible for bringing you into this world and for helping you develop into the man you are now.

A boy who was brought up by a dad who has Down syndrome gives a particular message for the globe in this video tale that Wonderbot released on YouTube.

Sader as born in Syria and raised in a loving environment, but it was not until much years later that he discovered his family wasn’t exactly like everybody else’s.

Jad’s dad, was blissfully wed to Sader’s mom and employed at a mill nearby.

He leads a very typical life, although he was born with trisomy 21, generally known as Down syndrome.

A extra copy of the individual’s 21st chromosome is the source of this genetic disease.

Although this genetic disease has a variety of symptoms and can affect a woman’s ability to conceive, he and his wife still wanted to start a family and give their kid the chance to grow up and have a typical upbringing.

He understood as he got older that his dad was unique, but in the greatest manner.

“My dad said it was simple. The love and care that anyone can provide will be shown to a kid who is raised in the arms of a someone with Down syndrome, according to Sader.

According to him, a kid may frequently overcome challenges in this kind of family setting by developing the emotional maturity necessary to attain their goals in life.

Watch the complete video narrative to learn how their tale inspired 2 additional parents who were about to embark on their own unique path when their two children were born with Down syndrome.

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