An exhausted mother sits at a restaurant where a stranger criticizes her for breastfeeding, and she fires back


An exhausted mother sits at a restaurant where a stranger criticizes her for breastfeeding, and she fires back

Georgia, Elizabeth’s daughter, was born prematurely at 32 weeks, weighing only 3.5 lbs.

At the moment, she was 5 months old, and the first-time mother took her to a restaurant in Iowa.

She started feeding her daughter during her dinner like she always did.

But this time, the personnel made her feel degraded and ashamed.

She prefers not to cover the baby’s face with a breastfeeding blanket since Georgia is so delicate.

A woman is allowed to nurse her own kid in any public setting where her presence is otherwise permitted, according to Iowa law.

Elizabeth is fully aware of the stigmas associated with nursing in public, but she hopes that greater acceptance will come as a result of her story.

“While I know I’m doing my best, some folks might find it a little odd.

And I understand that some individuals could find it shocking. I’m just trying to feed my baby, though “, she told WQAD.

When the boss came over to her, she was nursing her child at her table.

He gave her a shoulder tap and muttered something that caused the mom to get up and walk away.

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