Terminally ill 1-year-old boy could not find a donor: 27-year-old nurse does what no one expected


You or someone you love in life may need to donate an organ at any time. For some people, the most important thing is to return to normal life, and it’s good that there are good people who are willing to sacrifice.

And how many healthy young people are willing to donate their organs to a stranger? This question struck the heart of the mother of one-year-old Buddy Hall, who was born with a kidney defect.

According to the Children’s Hospital at the University of Minnesota Freemasonry, the diagnosis was life-threatening as his body excreted large amounts of protein in his urine, leading to kidney failure.

In 2020, Boddy turned one year old and was told by doctors that he had no chance of a normal childhood unless he had healthy kidneys.

Boddy has been struggling with his problems ever since he left his mother’s womb. Taylor, young, healthy and fit, didn’t think long. She called Hall’s family and said she wanted to donate a kidney for the boy.

Due to the pandemic, the operation was delayed, but by July it was completed. The operation to remove one of Taylor’s kidneys was successful, as was the operation to implant a new kidney in one-year-old Boddy.

Soon after the successful operation, the boy took his first steps. It was a moment the family will never forget. Everyone praised the work of Sister Taylor, saving the little boy, who turned 2 in December, was not a problem for her.

There are people like Taylor who will be there for us or our loved ones when we get sick. Please share this to pay tribute to this wonderful nurse, she is a true hero.

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