Benjamin Castaldi confiscated his apartment after losing all his money and asked a friend for €500,000 bail


Benjamin Castaldi was in a very bad financial situation in his life. Once he asked his friend to vouch for his loan, the amount of which was 500 thousand euros.

His friend did something very ugly: during a live broadcast on television, he ridiculed him in this way in response to his request.

On June 28, Benjamin presented the episode of the show, while his friend Cyril Ganun was absent during the summer holidays. His salary was about 300 thousand euros per month.

On September 6th of this year, he commented on his financial situation , he said that couldn’t meet the deadline and that his financial situation had come to an end.

The end of payments was scheduled for September 21. He was sure that he could not pay the money until that day. He knew that his father’s family account was also in debt.

Benjamin used to be able to pay some child support because he had multiple exes and had to pay them $7 million. He announced that he had a very difficult time and he could not pay his debts.

Because of this, he should have been arrested. His father was also not doing well, and therefore he was in such a position that he could not pay this amount himself.

The former Loft Story host kept his cool and replied that it was about the premise of the position. Others reacted quickly enough to this revelation and told Kirill not to comply with the request of his partner.

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