A small dog roams the streets, wagging its tail at all passers-by in the hope that someone will notice it and help


This lonely stray puppy was determined to escape and live a normal life. Fortunately, she was able to attract the attention of the members of the elephant rescue organization, who were worried about her fate.

The puppy was on the market in Sri Lanka about three years ago. The small four-legged tried to attract attention by wagging its tail and chasing passers-by.

After some time, Lek Chailert and other volunteers from the reserve saw this little dog. A nature reserve in Thailand saves Asian elephants from miserable conditions and provides them with a safe and happy life.

Lek and his staff were in Sri Lanka to learn more about elephants and their living conditions. And the fact that they saw a small puppy there was a pure coincidence.

Although most people ignored the dog, Lek and his team stopped to pet the small, fragile creature.

After a few hugs, they continued on their way. But suddenly the puppy followed them and refused to give up, even though they took her back to the market.

The team decided to take the puppy and find him a new family. But everything turned out to be not so simple. Several passers-by refused, having learned that it was a little bitch…

Their efforts seemed futile until they asked their driver if he could take care of the puppy. And fortunately, he agreed.

It’s been 3 years since this little dog Lek was adopted and finally found the perfect family. Although a lot of time has passed, she still remembers those who saved her life!

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