The story of 2 sisters who collectively weighed more than 250 kilo. H ow they currently look!


We will tell you about two sisters today whose combined weight was above 250 kilos.

They managed to get through it, though. Check it out, shall we.

Candy and Brandy have been using food as a kind of stress relief since they were little.

They took comfort in sweets and grew accustomed to them as a result of the girls’ constant suffering from their parents’ lack of attention.

And as time went on, the mother and father started feeding the kids fast food, which was a great way to keep them occupied and stop them from bothering their parents.

There are unavoidable negative effects from this eating pattern.

Then when the sisters’ harsh classmates started to make fun of them at school, the first problems started to arise.

The worst part was that the weight kept increasing, and by the time the sisters were teenagers, each weighed more than 100 kg.

As a result of a disagreement with their parents later on, Candy and Brandy went away.

As they became independent, their eating habits were unaffected, which is regrettable.

The weight remained even after the sisters secured employment as sellers.

The females gained weight over time, and they eventually were as clumsy as they could be without being able to go to work.

There were health issues with Candy and Brandy.

They made the decision to seek assistance from the popular TV program “I weigh 300 kilos” when each person’s weight started to reach 250 kg.

The long and arduous journey toward achieving health so began.

The greatest medical professionals worked with the girls; a dietitian recommended a diet and psychiatrists started seeing them.

Each sister eventually developed a weight loss objective. The burden started to melt away.

Nonetheless, the stomach still had to be reduced for medical reasons.

The girls continue to keep an eye on their health—they exercise and eat well—even though the program is long over.

Even better, Brandy found love, got married, and had a child.

Candy also has no immediate plans to get hitched; she intends to travel extensively and take her time to truly appreciate her new life.

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