To save his owner, a brave pitbull fights off a 6-foot shark


According to pintiks, there is one more wonderful reason to own a doggie: he could one day save you from a shark attack.

James was using a coastal fishing spot in California when he felt a strong tug on the line.

He struggled to bring the rope in for nearly ten minutes before giving up.

On the other side was a 6-foot-long 7-gill shark.

He attempted to remove the shark’s hooked, but instead the beast turned and dropped to the ground, biting him in the ankle.

“The initial bite pierced an artery, and there was blood everywhere right away.

Extreme tension was present, he said NBC Bay Area.

Luckily, White’s 1-year-old pitbull, Darby, who was waiting in the vehicle stopped a few metres away, overheard him call out for assistance.

When he heard his human screaming for assistance, he somehow found a way to unlock one of the automobile doors. To salvage the day, he hurried down to his daddy.

Darby attempted to bite into the fish’s fins at first, but unintentionally caused the shark to clamp down even further.

I commanded him to back off, he recalled. He then adjusted his stance and took it by the neck.

He literally dragged it off my leg as he went up the slope with it.

The shark then swam away after being thrown back into the sea by James.

Because the shark may have damaged an artery, he claims that he would have been much worse off if he hadn’t saved him.

Darby has obviously become a household hero. Share this incredible story with your friends and family.

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