She is 63 years old and is known as “the most beautiful and elegant grandmother in the world”


Today, many people are concerned about aging and have come up with many ways to avoid it. Many use different anti-wrinkle creams, Botox or even cosmetic surgery.

The anti-aging industry has become a truly global sector of the economy worth billions of euros. But not everyone necessarily needs to undergo all these chemical measures.

Our today’s heroine – a 63-year-old model – is a perfect example of this.

A French model named Yasemina has long been on the cover of magazines around the world. However, she did not start her career at a young age, but, like most models, but in her 30s.

She also shared that she ate olive oil and smeared sugar on her skin, once a week she used rapeseed oil for her hair. She ate avocados, organic fish and meat every day.

Agree, this woman is a real source of inspiration! If you want to look forever young, it turns out that this is possible. How and how much we work, sleep, spend free time and even think contributes to our aging.

According to the American Longevity Project, well organized people live longer than less conscientious people. They take better care of their health and avoid risky behavior.

It has become known that it is a common myth that people need less sleep as they age. Sleep experts have found that sleeping less than 6 hours a day can affect mood and health.

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