This 25-year-old woman gave birth, unaware that she was pregnant all this …


Today we will tell you an incredible story. A British woman named Lorna Goodings never knew about her condition.

She was pregnant, although she did not plan a pregnancy and this was not part of her plans. Obstetricians and gynecologists say that this is a rather rare case.

When her first daughter was born in 2020, she named her Vivienne and then decided to get a contraceptive implant that produces an ovulation-suppressing chemical called etonogestrel.

But days passed and she began to suffer from bloating, she gained weight and often began to vomit. She couldn’t even imagine it. She was sure it was not pregnancy.

She thought it was just a side effect, so she didn’t think much about it, but then she had to go to her doctor. The doctor said that the patient’s illness was caused by fluid retention in the body caused by the implant.

She followed the recommendations of the doctor and began to lose weight, went for long walks. But everything was useless, the weight did not decrease, but the strange sensations did not stop.

Her feelings were not like those she had during her first pregnancy. She agreed with her beloved Nick to go with him to a party with friends, despite the pain. She got worse and worse there, she called an ambulance at a party.

The doctors told Lorna that she was already in labor and that after the examination at the hospital, her water had already begun to break.

And 4 hours after admission to the hospital, Lorna gave birth to another healthy daughter, who was named Daphne. So, on August 1, 2021, this unexpected incident occurred, which still remains a mystery to doctors.

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