The sisters, who lived minutes apart but were unaware of each other’s existence, finally met after 56 years


We know you love stories like this, so we’re going to tell you a story you can’t keep to yourself. A story about women who didn’t know they had a sister.

When they were born, they were adopted and they did not know that they were each other. It took them 56 years to get to know each other.

Mary McLaughlin and Diane Ward never knew each other, they were adopted by different families and grew up in different cities. Mary was a frequent visitor to Pittsburgh and Diane was a frequent visitor to Detroit.

It is already clear that they were always destined to meet and finally learn about each other. It even happened that they both lived in Michigan at the same time but did not even suspect that they had a close relative.

Mary had an intermittent relationship with their real mother, but when she left them with the nanny, the nanny and her husband became her guardians.

Mary’s mother became secondary in her life. According to Mary, her mother did not give up parental rights and she was adopted illegally. Unfortunately, their mother passed away from breast cancer when she was 26 years old.

Despite the fact that the sisters often visited the same bakery, their paths never crossed. It was very strange. DNA tests usually reveal many family secrets, some suspicions and numerous scandals.

Genealogical data is usually sent via email. Like two sisters, very few DNA testers manage to find long-lost siblings or biological parents.

Given that they were constantly very close, Mary thought that they definitely saw each other. Perhaps they even sat in the same cafe, you will never know.

The sisters were finally able to meet a few months after they got to know each other. Diane always knew she was adopted and took a DNA test to find out more about herself. She never thought that she could have a sister or brother. She immediately began their reunion after discovering the maternal connection.

To meet Mary and her family for the first time, Diane and her husband traveled from the UK to Charlotte over the summer.

They both had a great time on the beach trip. It is incredible that the sisters finally managed to find each other and find a common language, despite the fact that they were so close and often crossed paths. Now they can create new memories together!

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