Due to his hard work and boundless striving the homeless teenager became the valedictorian of the high school


Regardless of the fact that people have different positions on this issue, we still do not think that it is impossible to deny the important role of high school education in the lives of all of us.

Among the many things learned there, over the years, dedication and hard work have also been added, and their combination gives an excellent result.

Getting a good education is also very important on the way to success.

Moreover, one of the greatest achievements in a person’s life, which can be achieved thanks to endless striving and hard work in higjh school, is to receive the title of a valedictorian.

For this you must maintain a 3.9-4.0 GPA.

But if you also want to get that title, you should not even take a day off, unless you want to risk your goal of achieving that high rank.

You might think now that only those children from well-off families have a chance to get this prestigious title.

But Griffin Furlong was able to put an end to all those stereotypes, which do not correspond to reality, with his brilliant example.

The point is that the boy did not have a stable environment, and he and his father have been struggling with homelessness for the past 11 years.

Griffin didn’t even have his own bedroom where he could study during those years.

That’s what made the guy a true inspiration to all. He withstood all those harsh conditions, determined not to give up even for a minute. And he finally did it.

On graduation day, he was also named valedictorian of his class.

Griffin’s story has already managed to inspire thousands of people, who proved by his example that conditions are not necessary if you have a goal and want to achieve it.

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