Can You Find the Glass Marble Ball in This Photo in Under 20 Seconds?


Optical illusions have become more than just a passing trend on the internet. They serve as tools for engagement and also help users explore the mysteries of their perception and thinking.

These illusions, which are now an integral part of digital culture, are extensively used to uncover the intricate workings of the human mind.

An optical illusion occurs when our visual system creates a perception that seems different from reality. They can take various forms, encompassing any image or moving visual that we initially struggle to perceive clearly.


These visuals and scenes often lead to misinterpretation or initial deception. Today’s optical illusion challenge, for instance, appears to be an advertisement for a wine company at first glance.

The provided image features two glasses, one containing white wine and the other red wine. Placed on a circular serving board are red and green grapes, with a replica barrel positioned behind the glass of red wine.

To solve the challenge, carefully observe each object on the table. If necessary, save the photo and zoom in to locate the hidden glass marble.

Still having trouble finding it? Allow us to assist you.


The marble can be spotted at the point where the green grapes touch the black grapes.

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