In the Netherlands, a photographer saw and took a picture of a goose flying upside down: what scientists say about it


The photo of this strange goose caused a heated discussion in social networks. No one could understand what the bird was actually doing.

An amateur photographer named Vincent could not believe his eyes when he suddenly noticed a wild goose in the sky over Arnhem, which was performing a strange maneuver at that moment.

The bird quickly descended along a zigzag path and suddenly took off, turning over on its back. He barely had time to capture it all on camera and immediately posted the photo on the social network.

His strange and funny photo immediately attracted the attention of users and has been actively discussed in many forums since the beginning of the year.

The photographer received thousands of messages from strangers around the world with their own versions of what is happening in the photo. But none of them knew exactly why the goose was flying backwards on its back.

The situation became clearer when Serink, an expert wildlife photographer in the Netherlands, joined the discussion on Vincent’s page. In his opinion, it was a male, most likely a young one.

He assumed that the goose wanted to show off in front of others and show them some new tricks. He said that once goslings learn to fly, they wonder what else they can do in the air. They do everything to impress their comrades.

Whistling flight is a well-known phenomenon in ornithology. It is used to describe the behavior of some wild birds when they fly in a zigzag, gliding sideways.

For a while, they can turn the body 180 degrees, leaving the head in a natural position. This movement resembles the trajectory of a dry leaf falling.

This can be seen in a wide variety of birds, including geese, limos, and crested lapwings.

By the way, this randomly taken photo turned out to be useful for the scientific community. So now a professor from Istanbul University is using it to explain the laws of aerodynamics to students.

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