“Divorce season” will soon be here. No, it isn’t a fabrication of attorneys designed to make them seem good in order to make a quick buck.
Right in the beginning of every year, it is a very real phenomena. Divorce rates practically tripled between January and March.
Even though divorce occurs in 50% of marriages, it happens more frequently in the summer.
Despite how strange that seems, there are several very plausible explanations for why that occurs.
To discuss the topic, Dr. Ish Major made an appearance on an episode of The Doctors.
The start of a new year signifies a few things, according to him, and is one of the main causes of the surge.
First of all, it implies that you recently passed through a difficult Christmas season in your unhappy marriage.
Second, the start of a new year is a good opportunity to reflect.
It’s the time of year when we instinctively review the events of the previous year, the man explains.
Most likely, it wasn’t a joyous time for couples who were about to divorce.
So it makes perfect sense to set goals for the new year and take action to achieve them.
He also thinks that Valentine’s Day has the potential to be a turning moment for many individuals.
That’s because it’s normal to begin comparing other people’s lives to your own, specifically in the age of social media.
When you look at everyone’s Valentine’s Day photos, you could crave for something different, something greater, or just genuine pleasure.
Check out the video to learn more about why there are so many divorces at this time of year.