At the age of 101, she goes to the store herself and the villagers set up a bench for her so that she can rest


Once in one of the French channels there was a report where they talked about this kindest woman who lived in the village of Calvados.

She was already quite old. At the time of the report, she was on the street when she was given a small symbolic gift.

A 101-year-old lady named Giselle, at her age, was not shy about leaving the house and went shopping herself.

But during the reporting, she said that she was already starting to get bored of it, because she was too old for this and tired. Therefore, the villagers decided to do a good deed for her and make her life easier.

They all got together and built a bench for her, which was installed by the municipal brigade. The bench bore the name of the long-lived Giselle.

An elderly woman told her opinion on this matter. She said that she really liked this idea and made it easier for her to go shopping.

She is sure that even if she is gone, other elderly people will need a bench, who will also need a place to sit and rest.

The bench was specially installed between the store where Giselle goes and her apartment.

This allows her to catch her breath before taking another step towards the store or back. Meanwhile, she manages to communicate with other residents and passers-by.

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