Homeless dog found with all four legs severed and titanium prosthetic legs


This tenacious dog named Monika has gone from a desperate pup to an inspiring reincarnation. After being found in the forest with 4 legs cut off, she hoped to find someone who would take care of her enough.

Marina and Alla are two dedicated animal rescuers who have made it their mission to help many endangered animals. When they got the call about the puppy, they knew they had to save her.

Monica was found in the cold woods by a woman who worked in the area. Marina and Alla called a taxi to pick up the puppy in critical condition and take it to the veterinary clinic. When Monika arrived, it became clear what condition she was in.

Each of Monica’s legs had been chopped off a few inches above where her paws should have been. He was dangerously thin and probably survived only on leftovers on the street.

It is impossible to know for sure what happened to Monica’s paws, but it is suspected to be an act of human cruelty. She had to endure such an injury and had to fend for herself for over a week.

Before her injuries could be treated, she had to undergo 10 days of stabilization in the hospital. Monica was in critical condition and needed the help of the veterinary team to save her life.

Everyone who cared for her gave her everything they could. After Monica survived the first week of infertility, Marina and Alla began to explore options for prosthetic legs.

They knew a famous veterinarian who happened to be in their city. They decided to contact him. Soon the doctor asked for more information about the puppy.

After examining x-rays of each of Monica’s legs, Doctor Gorshkov considered her an excellent candidate for implanting a titanium prosthesis. He said that the implanted limbs would give him a normal life.

As soon as Marina and Alla found out that paw surgery was possible, they started a fundraiser to ensure a better future for her.

After about 9 months of donations from animal lovers from all over the world, Monica was finally sent to a specialized clinic in Russia for new paws!

During this time, many complications arose, but Dr. Gorshkov and his team did not give up. Now the dog has 4 prostheses that help her move around.

Monica is already recovering from the operation and will soon be sent to London for adoption. Her saviors believe that she has every chance to find a bright future there! If it was interesting, please share it with your friends and family !

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