The boy is convinced that he has a twin in his class: their image from the holiday brings his mother to tears


This boy claims he saw his twin at his school. He took a picture of it, and when he came home, he showed the photo to his mother and she burst into tears.

He just came home from kindergarten one day and told his family that he has a twin who is very similar to him and studies with him in the same group.

No one believed him, because he is a child and everyone thought he was just joking. But when he showed his photo, everyone cried.

This is Miles, he is only 5 years old, he is still just a child. One day, the kindergarten decided to organize a twins day, when some children dress the same.

On the same day, each child was asked to choose a partner and dress the same with him. Miles chose Tanner without thinking for a long time, because he was sure that they were very similar.

The boy’s mother said that Miles has a friend with whom they are very attached, although she never saw this friend.

She did not even know what he looked like, and according to the stories of his son, she determined his character. The son told her a lot that they are similar to Tanner, but mom did not suspect anything.

Miles always told her that they were no different, and she thought that it was just a child and he exaggerated everything. So, she made the same clothes for her friends so that they would be like twins who look exactly the same.

The children were very happy that day, they were all happy to dress like their best friends. It was impressive for them! The children took a lot of pictures that day with each other and sent photos to their parents.

When Britney received the photos, tears welled up in her eyes, she could not contain her emotions, they were so similar! Indeed, the child was right. They had the same eyes and look, just like real twins.

Tanner and Miles surprised Britney very much, she cried when she saw them! It was very touching for her, best friends and so similar to each other!

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