A man is moved to tears during an unforgettable visit from a kind horse


Joo Speik is the owner of Audrey Speik who was bedridden for several months due to various health complications.

Joo’s doctors did everything in their power to help his body heal, but he just visited him to help heal his heart.

This guest’s name, Pakoka, is a therapy horse that collaborates with volunteers from a non-profit association whose goal is to help people with special needs.

Speik recently uploaded a touching video capturing the moment Pacoca visited his father.

His was resting calmly on Ju’s chest in a modest exchange of comfort and tenderness, apparently feeling the interaction he needed most.

“Spike says he was always like that with his dad. That was exciting! Obviously, Ju will not soon forget this visit. He hopes it will become more than just a memory.

Today, more healthcare professionals are recognizing the therapeutic impact of therapy animals on the health and well-being of patients.

The Mayo Clinic claims that animal-assisted therapy can significantly reduce pain, anxiety, sadness, and exhaustion in people with various medical conditions.

In addition, the benefits are not limited to people with medical conditions. Relatives and acquaintances who observe encounters with their animal friends report that they feel better with them.

Ju’s daughter seems to agree, as she describes Pakoka’s visit as “an inexplicable time”. If it was interesting, please share it with your friends and family !

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