Danila Kozlovsky took the dog he found on the street: two years later, the appearance of the dog has changed a lot


This year, our hero takes part in the filming of five films: Karamora, Lusya, Young Man, 13th Clinical, Nadvoi. In these films, Kozlovsky mainly plays the main roles.

Danila was born into a creative family in Moscow. His parents spent a lot of time on tour and could not allow their son to get a dog.

Danila dreamed of a four-legged friend since childhood. He often imagined as a child how he would play with a Labrador in the future.

His childhood dream came true years later. Fate threw the actor a completely different breed of Labrador.

Once the actor decided to go on vacation with his new darling Olga Zueva to the mountains. On December 31, they went to the nearest store to buy something.

On the way back to the hotel, they saw an abando puppy born on the side of the road. Kozlovsky could not pass him by.

It was very cold outside, and Danila decided to take this helpless puppy for himself. On the threshold was 2019, winter.

The symbol of this year is “dog”. Initially, the actor planned to give the puppy in good hands. But during the search for a new owner, he became very attached to the dog and decided not to give it away.

The actor gave a nickname to his four-legged friend, he called him Pear. The dog still lives in the actor’s apartment. Kozlovsky is very kind to his pet:

This is an incredibly sensitive, loyal, gentle and kind dog. The moral of this story is this: there is no better animal than the one you save from someone’s dislike and need. This was even better for him than a charming luxurious Labrador.

Bring home the simplest, most outbred and seemingly ordinary dogs from the street.

Believe, you will receive only love, fidelity and fidelity. A man is responsible for those whom he has tamed. The world is not without good people.

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