A dog named Lisa has given birth to 12 cute pups becoming a wonderful mom to all her babies


Lisa was pregnant when she was brought to a shelter.

Her rescuers and veterinarians had predicted that the mother dog would have six cubs.

They were all very excited and looking forward to that day.

The dog was placed in a foster family so that she could give birth more easily.

Lisa gave birth a few days later, but what is surprising is that they were not six, but twice as many․

Everyone was so happy. All the puppies were so sweet and cute.

Fortunately, Lisa was a very caring mother, and the number of her cubs did not cause her any problems.

She immediately adapted to motherhood and cared for all of them equally. She cared for her cubs with all due care and attention.

The rescuers also helped her. The sweet cubs are becoming more beautiful and active day by day.

They grow normally and fortunately all of them are healthy, which is the most important part of everything.

The team is looking forward to the 12 cubs growing up enough to find eternal homes for all of the babies.

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