Teenager takes action to save a boy after seeing him crash on TikTok from more than 800 miles away


It is referred to be an Easter miracle.

New Hampshire resident Caden, age 13, resides there. Trent is a TikToker whose videos he enjoys watching.

12 year old resides in West Virgina. Despite not knowing one another, the two brothers have a lot in common, including a love of fishing and hunting.

He just watched Trent offer a livestream while hopping on his ATV bike and taking a spin around the woods on his TikTok channel.

The image on the screen began to glitch at once. Caden couldn’t see anything, but he could hear Trent yelling out a sequence of numbers.

The only phone number that Caden could recall was the one for his grandparents’ home after his ATV had crashed. With his bike pinned under him and injuries from the collision, he was screaming for assistance.

Watch the video to learn how, despite being 800 miles away, Caden was able to rescue him.

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