The cat spent such a long time in the hospital that he eventually got a job there


Every working day, when Chantelle Trolip comes to the work at a nearby hospital, she is greeted by a cat with a name Elwood.

She says that when she first met the cat, it was about one year ago.

She spent extra hours in the hospital, noticing that he was walking more regularly.

He is there almost every day. He seems to be guarding the entrance or resting in the nearby bushes, enjoying the sun!

Elwood’s origin and affiliation are unknown to the staff, but he is always calm.

After a while, he was even seen as just another hospital staff member.

One day when Trolllip came to work, she saw Elwood as usual, but this time she quickly noticed that in addition to his collar, he was now carrying an employee identification card that indicated he was a member of the security team.

Trolip explained that he has his own ID card, which looks like real staff credentials.

Elwood’s daily life has not changed much since that day, as he has always taken his work seriously.

He has always liked people’s care and attention. He carries out his work with all responsibility and feels so proud.

He is already a full member of the hospital staff. What a wonderful story.

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