This donkey grew up with German Shepherd dogs in a caring family and now he behaves like a dog.


This is Walter, a donkey,whose mother unfortunately left him when we was born. Happily he survived and grew up with 3 dogs.

Now this sweet amd adorable donkey after living with dogs for such a long time started to behave like a dog, especially when his father returns home.

As we said, when Walter was born, his mother abandoned him.

The Land Management Bureau tried to help the couple, but 10 hours later they surrendered; they had no choice but to help poor donkey find a home.

They turned to Kelly and Brad Blake from Ottomans, Arizona, who were happy to adopt her.

The sick donkey used to grow up, now it is healthy and weighs 160 pounds. He lives inside with the 3 dogs, who are very gentle to him and treat him as their little brother.

The beautiful donkey is closely related to his dog siblings, and he has since grown up with them instead of his own flock. he has adopted dog behavior over time.

He lives with them in their home, plays,jumps, drowns, even moves its tail. When his father comes home, he starts to run, wagging his tail excitedly like a dog. He even happily bites his dad’s jeans like a dog.

The donkey does almost everything that dogs need to do. When they go for a walk, Walter also goes with them for a run with the dogs.

He is also in the commuոity service, voluոteering for some charity events and being an encouraging supportive donkey.

He even has his own account, ‘Walter the Orpհan from Oatmaո’s Happy Life’.

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