The time-lapse of Hercules, a Saint Bernard puppy growing up from the age of 2 weeks to one year, is both captivating and educative.
We see the puppy achieve different milestones along the journey.
The puppy loves being outdoors, chewing on sticks, and even toppling some potted plants in the garden. Hercules also loves meeting and playing with new friends, especially the smaller dogs when taking walks.
Hercules is a happy and active puppy as he continues to grow. The dog loves a banana for a snack. The big dog is energetic and loves to play and run around with other dogs.
Another of his pass times is exploring the neighborhood and evening walks. We can happily see Hercules growing bigger and enjoying some loose lead walking with his owner.
Hercules loves his training and toys. For a big dog, he loves playing with a ball and doing some figure 8 training. Every day is a training day with plenty of treats, including a cheeseburger.
What a sociable dog he’s becoming! He has learned and readily follows simple commands and accomplishes different tasks. We also see Hercules help daddy with his exercise routines.
Clearly, Hercules loves a good grooming session. He lies down calmly as he enjoys brushing sessions and tidying his toenails. What a transformation from puppy to huge dog.
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