A five-month old kitten has a very unusual condition that gives him a unique shape, and he is overjoyed now


Here we’re going to tell about little kitten named Teddy was happily given a second chance to have a joyful life because he had a very rare illness.

The rescuers took him to the cat sanctuary in Massachusetts to give the proper treatment.

He was only a few weeks old, but his skin was exceptionally stretched.

When they brought the kitten, he quickly started to purr very loudly and embraced people.

Teddy was born with such an unusual sickness known as feline-cuteneous asthenia.

Collagen deficit he had was caused by that hereditary disorder, which reduces the flexibility and strength of the skin.

His skin was looked like a paper and he needed a lot of care and attention.

His wounds were started to mend delightfully, and he started to convert into a mushy puddlle.

As mentioned one of the rescuers they wanted to keep him warm and comfortable by wearing a cozy sweater. He’s started to use a collagen supplement and is already started to feel better.

After he came at the rescue, poor Teddy has been asnuggle bug and a purr machine.

Between all this periods that he’s come through, he deserves to gain attention from his family. Due to the kind people he is the happiest cat now on the planet because he receives lots of love, care and attention.

The cute kitten has sad eyes in the pictures, but don’t let that mislead you, cause he’s already as joyful as can be.

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